Our net zero process

Partner with Commit2NetZero to become operationally carbon neutral. Utilise out tailored solution specifically designed for you the SME, to start your journey to Net Zero. Its minimal hassle and quick.

Our process is simple:

  • 1. Commit and Assess

    Partner with us and commit to the net zero journey. You will be given a super helpful, knowledgeable, consultant to help you calculate your current carbon footprint in accordance with PAS 2060 (the internationally recognised standard for demonstrating carbon neutrality). You can be involved as much or as little as you like in the assessment process. Either way it will empower your business to understand your baseline footprint. You will be provided with an assessment report to give you a simple effective snapshot of your current usage.

  • 2. Reduce and Offset

    Great! We now know your businesses’ baseline footprint and we need to look at the ways in which to reduce it. Using your assessment report, your sustainability consultant will provide a bespoke solution that is both considered and appropriate to help you gradually reduce your footprint with minimum fuss and expenditure. We can do this in two ways i) by reducing your emissions and ii) as part of your fee contribute to one of our offsetting partners to rebalance your carbon footprint.

    A bit more on offsetting
  • 3. Certify and Celebrate

    Partner with us and commit to the net zero journey. You will be given a super helpful, knowledgeable, consultant to help you calculate your current carbon footprint in accordance with PAS 2060 (the internationally recognised standard for demonstrating carbon neutrality). You can be involved as much or as little as you like in the assessment process. Either way it will empower your business to understand your baseline footprint. You will be provided with an assessment report to give you a simple effective snapshot of your current usage.

  • 4. Support

    You now, no doubt has a warm fuzzy feeling knowing that you are on the journey to net zero carbon. Over time we will develop your plan to reduce your residual emissions and be here to partner with you on that journey.

    Throughout our ongoing partnership your dedicated consultant will provide a bi-annual review to ensure that you are on track and support at any time you need. We can offer additional advice with any capital projects, training and access to grant funding.

Our process is simple